Construction works on the Primary Urban Thoroughfare in Zenica are proceeding with the preparation of the thoroughfare course, including the preparation of subgrade for Bojin Vir roundabout, construction of retaining walls along the main course, and paving of access roads for the M1 Bridge. The paving of the M1 Bridge surface layer has been completed. As for the M2 Bridge, workers are demolishing the existing structure which is to be replaced by the new bridge. Preparations for the incremental launching of the Lukovo Polje Bridge are also under way. Paving of the base course has been completed on the Kočeva Bridge, Crkvice roundabout and Goražde St. Works are nearing completion on the remaining 300 metres of Asko Borić St, including the installation of collectors and plumbing, subgrade filling, and construction of kerbs and footways. Below you may find the latest photo updates from the construction site.