Over the past weeks the construction of the 5c Corridor motorway section Drivuša-Gorica has focused on the following tasks: clearing of the remaining loess from the motorway course, transportation and filling of rock aggregates to level-out any grade deviations, removal of the surface soil between M1 and M2 bridges matching the full cross-section of the road, disposal of removed soil at a designated landfill, filling of rock aggregate layers, construction of the central drainage system between bridges M2 and M3, replacement of the culvert on the M17 road, laying of concrete pipes for the brook as well as surface water drainage towards the Bosna river, excavations for a new culvert and filling of new rock aggregates. Works are also under way on the assembling of the bottom RC slab.
Upcoming tasks include the continuation of construction works on the drainage system along the motorway course and the beginning of drainage construction at the Drivuša toll station, as well as the construction of cable ducts and a rock aggregate embankment between bridges M1 and M2. Below you may find a photo gallery of this project.